Monday, April 21, 2008

Warhammer Grand Tournament 2008

Lito will be back from his business trip on the last half of May. To be safe, we'll schedule the WFB GT on the last week of May.

For any conflicts, please post here.

The new Daemons of Chaos army book will be out this May, but there will be difficulty in getting our stock of it in time for the GT. Storm of Chaos army lists will be allowed in the GT. Chaos Mortal armies using Daemons follow the usual Daemon rules in the Hordes of Chaos army book.

The new Vampire Counts army book is already out, but I understand the difficulty in getting a new list done for the GT. Therefore using a list made from the old army book or the new army book is allowed.

Other new army books already out include High Elves and Orcs & Goblins.

Please remember that this is a Grand Tournament. Scores are gathered from games played, painting of your army and sportsmanship.

Continue discussion on the MWPH forums.