Sunday, June 24, 2007

HGR + WW + Kim's

Where: Kim's place
When: Last Saturday
Grub: Tortillos red and Chippy + 3x 1.5 Coke
Bonus event: D&D startup session + power failure in the evening

Kei, Tiny and Mando dropped by Kim's place last Saturday, as Kim cannot leave premises (better half staying in). Impromptu D&D session became WMH session way into the evening, until unscheduled power failure put stop to session.

Game 1 ~ 500 points Mosh Pit
- Trollblood Champions held from central combat by Manhunter, Widowmakers and Kell Bailoch
- Irusk orders surgical removal of Axer warbeast (Superiority Juggernaut made quick work of it) and Fell Caller (sniped down by Eiryss, Widowmakers and Kell Bailoch), rendering Trollbloods' advance through Inhospitable Ground advantageous to Khador
- With all warbeasts destroyed and Hoarluk engaged by Superiority Juggernaut (which he failed to destroy), Kei concedes
- Kim's Kommandant Gurvaldt Irusk victorious over Kei's Hoarluk Doomshaper

Game 2 ~ 500 points Divide and Conquer
- Cocoy playtests Rhyas and Nephilim
- Rapport Carnivean vanquishes Dire Troll Mauler on the charge in one go!
- Rules for movement of models tightened up
- Trollblood Champions give Cocoy fits ("What the?")
- Kei finishes with Crusher-ing many vital Everblight units, taking his east DAC objective
- Kei's Chief Madrak Ironhide victorious over Rhyas, Sigil of Everblight

Game 3 ~ 500 points Invasion
- Rhyas with Massacre plows through many of Irusk's infantry, but her movement effectively slowed by Inhospitable Ground and Undying Loyalty
- Doom Reavers take down an Ice Caged Carnivean (via Greylords) in one go!
- Superiority Juggernaut rips apart Warmongers, with one FOC to spare
- Shredders' Tenacity animus makes Rhyas even harder to hit; tactics on bringing down high DEF warlocks/warcasters discussed
- Kim's Kommandant Gurvaldt Irusk victorious over Cocoy's Rhyas, Sigil of Everblight via victory points at end of time limit


RANKING 070623: 101 Galleria Regulars + Weekday Warriors + Kim's

+1 Losing or drawing a game
+5 Winning a game

* +1 Winning a game versus a player 2 - 3 rungs ahead
* +2 Winning a game versus a player 4 - 7 rungs ahead
* +3 Winning a game versus a player 8+ rungs ahead


89 Romy Estrella (Emperor's Children 13-10-1, Dark Eldar 3-1-1) [87 +5 +1]
71 Ryan Tamayo (Deathwing 0-3-2, Ultramarines 1-0, Death Ravens 11-5-1) [70 +1]
60 Ronald Benedicto (Space Wolves 7-5-1, 13th Company 0-1) [58 +1 +1]
36 Gelo Almeda (Lost and the Damned 5-2-3)
35 Randell "Obi" Parcon (Dark Angels 1-7-1, Space Marines 2-4-1, Chaos Space Marines 0-2)
31 Emcee Castillo (13th Company 1-4-1, Daemonhunters 1-1, Angels of Salvation 0-1, Dark Angels 0-8-1)
25 Lito Tan (Witch Hunters 3-3)
23 Art Gimena (Space Wolves 4-1)
22 Justin Lunar (Black Legion 3-5-2)
22 Ian "Beefcake" Siongco (World Eaters 3-1-1)
21 Ian "Kim" Navarro (Necrons 3-1)
19 Owen Ilagan (Witch Hunters 3-0-2)
18 Adrian (Space Marines 3-2-1)
16 Ricky Lozano (Eldar 2-0)
16 Joseph Viray (Black Templars 1-5, Iron Warriors 1-0)
13 Jacob Reynoso (Eldar Iyanden 2-0)
13 Jun Ubay (Tau Empire 2-1-2)
09 JP (Imperial Guard 1-2-2)
08 Arvin Tan (Iron Warriors 1-0) [00 +8]
07 Lesther Calina (Daemonhunters 1-1)
03 Dick Sy (Space Wolves 0-3)
02 Donnell (Alpha Legion 0-2)
01 Tads Reantaso (Night Lords 0-0-1)


415 Randell "Obi" Parcon (Ta'zo 0-1, Gorebelly 52-59, Orc Warrior 5-7) [385 +5 +1 +1 +1 +1 +5 +5 +5 +5 +1]
302 Justin Lunar (Grennan Stormspeaker 16-25, Elendril 2-2, Ta'zo 0-2, Haruka Skycaller 14-16, Orc Shaman 5-2)
293 Romy Estrella (Ta'zo 33-48, Elendril 7-11, Grennan Stormspeaker 0-1, Zenith Shadowforce 0-2) [266 +6 +6 +6 +6 +1 +1 +1]
290 Arvin Tan (Grennan Stormspeaker 31-4, Graccus 2-1, Haruka Skycaller 6-2, Litori Frostburn 2-0, Zenith 3-3, Tauren Shaman 2-0)
159 Ian "Kim" Navarro (Elendril 1-1, Kayleitha 22-13)
79 Mike (Grennan Stormspeaker 7-14) [70 +7 +1 +1]
78 Jacob Reynoso (Elendril 0-2, Ta'zo 0-3, Litori Forstburn 6-3, Human Mage 5-4)
53 Marlo (Omedus the Punisher 8-5)
43 Lito Tan (Dizdemona 5-6, Gnome Warlock 0-5)
38 Johnny (Elendril 4-6)
25 Lance Tan (Haruka Stormcaller 3-3, Ta'zo 0-1)
17 Ian "Fluffy" Peña (Orc Shaman 2-1)
17 Howard (Kayleitha 2-1)
17 Jones (Elendril 2-1)
08 Hervi (Sen'zir Beastwalker 1-3)


196 Ian "Kim" Navarro (Vlad 1-0, Irusk 8-0, Doomshaper 3-0, Butcher 9-1-1, Ironhide 5-1, Old
Witch 1-0, Sorscha 10-1) [186 +5 +5]
91 Paul "Pork" Borja (Ashlynn 14-21-2)
91 Ian "Fluffy" Peña (Harbinger 13-6-1, Kreoss 3-1)
83 John Edward "Tiny" David (Kreoss 0-1, Haley 11-12-3)
82 Carlos Sandico (Feora 10-1, Kreoss 1-0, Severius 1-1, Amon 0-1)
82 Chris Pineda (Kaya 4-4, Krueger 4-2-1, Baldur 5-3)
81 Laurence "Doclance" Tan (Deneghra 2-1, Skarre 6-1, Witch Coven 1-1, Sorscha 4-0)
76 Dick Sy (Butcher 1-1, Vlad 8-6, Irusk 1-1, Gorten 2-1)
74 Edward "Emp" Fernando (Terminus 0-2, Skarre 4-2, Witch Coven 0-1, Deneghra 1-1, Lylyth 3-0, Epic Skarre 1-0)
73 Randell "Obi" Parcon (Nemo 4-18-1, Haley 4-4)
68 Fred Escalona (Asphyxious 4-9-1, Deneghra 2-12-2, Epic Asphyxious 0-1)
60 Jake de Jesus (Darius 1-2, Caine 6-6-1, Magnus 0-1, Epic Stryker 0-1, Brisbane 1-3, Stryker
0-2, Haley 0-1)
40 Christian "Kei" Valentin (Butcher 0-1, Ironhide 3-6-2, Doomshaper 1-5-1) [34 +5 +1]
39 Ronald Benedicto (Makeda 5-9-1, Morghoul 0-1)
34 Raymund Tesoro (Thagrosh 4-2)
31 Patrick Palma (Morghoul 0-3, Makeda 3-7)
23 Arvin Tan (Magnus 1-0-1, Lylyth 1-0, Butcher 2-0)
23 Joel Tiongson (Deneghra 3-1, Goreshade 0-1)
22 Jun Peralta (Thagrosh 2-7)
12 Jeremy (Deneghra 1-1, Witch Coven 1-1)
11 Mark Dayrit (Kaya 1-3)
11 Taks (Caine 1-1-2, Brisbane 0-1)
11 Bong (Severius 2-0-1)
08 Carlos "Muymuy" Lomotan Jr. (Vlad 0-1, Sorscha 1-2)
07 Armando "Cocoy" Reyes (Deneghra 1-0, Rhyas 0-2) [05 +1 +1]
07 Chicco Quema (Karchev 1-1)
07 EJ (Vlad 1-0)
06 Romy Estrella (Kreoss 0-1, Feora 1-0)
06 Flip (Goreshade 1-1)02 SJ Quema (Irusk 0-1, Vlad 0-1)
02 Zig (Gorten 0-2)
01 Mike (Thagrosh 0-1)
01 Jones (Morghoul 0-1)
01 Badj (Darius 0-1)
01 Nick (Thagrosh 0-0-1)


15 Clemence Cua (Orcs & Goblins 3-0)
13 Ian "Kim" Navarro (Khorne Daemonic Legion 2-0, Tomb Kings 0-1-2)
11 Clarence Cua (High Elves 2-0-1)
08 Chris Pineda (Ogre Kingdoms 1-2)
08 Patrick Palma (Skaven 1-3)
03 Ross (Blood Dragons 0-2-1)
01 Randell "Obi" Parcon (Orcs & Goblins 0-1)


05 Christian "Kei" Valentin (Randy Orton 1-0)
05 Arvin Tan (Kane 1-0)
01 JC (Randy Orton 0-1)
01 Ian "Kim" Navarro (Kane 0-1)

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