Wednesday, February 07, 2007

RHGC + WMPH Ranking


Games: Warhammer, Warhammer 40K, WARMACHINE, HORDES, World of Warcraft CCG

Results of your games will be counted in the ranking so long as there are at least three total gamers playing a mix of any of the games mentioned above.

Warhammer 40K

15 Ian Beefcake (World Eaters 3-0-0)
11 Romy (Emperor's Children 2-1-0)
10 Justin (Chaos Undivided 2-0-0)
06 Kim (Necrons 1-1-0), Obi (Dark Angels 0-6-0), Gelo (Lost and the Damned 1-0-0), Lito (Witch Hunters 1-1-0)
02 Emcee (13th Company 0-1-1)
01 Ryan (Deathwing 0-0-1)

Forces of Chaos (8-1-0)
Imperium of Man (2-9-0)
Xenos: Necrons (1-1-0)



06 Jake (Cygnar 1-1-0)
05 Kim (Khador 1-0-0), Ronald (Skorne 1-0-0), Pork (Highborn Covenant 1-0-0)
01 Zig (Seaforge Alliance 0-1-0), Fred (Cryx 0-1-0), Emp (Cryx 0-1-0)

Cryx (0-2-0)
Cygnar (1-1-0)
Khador (1-0-0)
Mercs: Highborn Covenant (1-0-0)
Mercs: Seaforge Commission (0-1-0)
Skorne (1-0-0)


World of Warcraft CCG

42 Romy (Ta'zo 7-7-0, Elendril 2-0-0)
24 Kim (Kayleitha 3-2-0, Elendril 0-1-0)
18 Justin (Grennan Stormspeaker 1-7-0)
12 Arvin (Grennan Stormspeaker 2-0-0)
10 Lito (Dizdemona 2-0-0)

Hordes (13-16-0)
Alliance (4-1-0)


How Ranking is scored

I decided to adopt some concepts from the Privateer Press' League Rules for scoring on the ranking. It is much simpler than our previous ranking system. It is a ladder style ranking system but it rewards those who play constantly and those who fight those who are higher on the ladder. New players come in at the bottom rung.

+1 Losing or drawing a game
+5 Winning a game

+1 Winning a game versus a player 2 - 3 rungs ahead
+2 Winning a game versus a player 4 - 7 rungs ahead
+3 Winning a game versus a player 8+ rungs ahead

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