Thursday, July 08, 2010

July 6, 2010 Bunker games, Tuesday

Hey guys,There was a lot of WAAARGH! in the bunker last tuesday, with a mix of 40k and Fantasy Wargaming.
I had the honor of fighting Mike "The Champion" Nievas in a spearhead/Take and Hold mission between my Khornate Warband and his Imperial Guardsmen. It ended in a draw because I claimed his objective and he claimed mine, which was of course, awkward as that isn't the usual result. BLOOD FOR THE BLOOD GOD!

Also on the tables were Ernest and EJ, who played a vicious space marine VS space marine fight, with EJ earning his first win.

1. Wiley Peralta
2. Henri Tecson
3. Michael Nievas
4. Garrick
5. Jay Estaris
6. Romy Estrella
7. Jocelin Lohongko
8. Felix Lohongko Jr.
9. Francis Lohongko
10. Benjamin Perez
11. Jonathan Perez
12. Melo Lazatin
13. Jerrick T. Velasco
14. Liberato Tan
15. Lance Tan
16. Hannah Serote
17. Noreen Alejandrino
18. Wheel De Angel
19. Arvin Tan

Brother fought against brother as Felix and Francis Lohongko fought each other with Space Wolves and Raven Guard respectively. Drop pods crashed down on the Fenrisian landscape.

Wiley managed to play two games of Fantasy, and scored a win against Henri's dwarves (and by transitive property, it means he won against me too XD), and a game against Jay's Dark Elf outriders. Although his zombie horde managed to eventually kill and overwhelm the dwarves, he was not able to shamble (Zombies only have one speed) fast enough to Jay's crossbow tottering Dark Elves who just dominated the board with effective maneuvering.

All in all, it was a great night. Can't wait for 8th edition to start playing with the revised rules.

See you all at the gaming tables!


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