Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Drums of War Part II (Sunday, July 25, 2010)

The Drums of War have sounded once again as Fantasy players have once again answered the call for WAR in the 8th Age of the Warhammer World. The tables shuddered with the battles being fought on them as armies clashed again at what was simply the beginning of Fantasy season amidst the pouring rain within our own world.

Those who came by were:
Jun (Chaos)
Lance (Orcs)
Patrick (Dwarves)
Henri (Dwarves)
Lito (Oberon) (Tomb Kings)
Joel (Wood Elves)

The games were long and bloody, and I had the honor of once again facing Juns' Chaos Warriors in a grudge match (the grudge was mine as he slaughtered my forces in our previous encounter). This time, we played the "Blood and Glory" mission which involved Fortitude points, and I was torn asunder once again when his Chaos Knights, which included his Battle Standard Bearer and his Chaos Lord faced off against my Orc Warboss, his Wyvern, and the Black Orc Elite. His forces routred mine with much help (which is partly but not totally the reason why I was defeated) from a nearby Banestone which gave him a +1 to wound bonus against my troops. Twenty Black Orcs fell in a single round of combat, and the Orc forces were routed in that epic final turn, leaving nothing but a rock lobba crew to carry word of the Chaos victory over the Greenskin Horde.

Jun's Chaos forces then set their eyes upon the Tomb Kings of Oberon, which he defeated through the sheer toughness and brutality of his Chaos Knights, which tore after regiment after regiment of troops. The undead fought to a man (skeleton) but could not withstand the wrath of the Chaos Gods.

Henri's dwarves were not far...and the conquering Jun set his sights there.

My orcish forces fled south upon tasting defeat, and encountered a dwarven force awaiting them there in the harsh, Khemrian sands. The mission was to claim the watch tower in the middle which would either serve as a means for the dwarves to establish a base there, or for the orc forces to finally claim a scratching post for their Warboss' pet Wyvern. The dwarves got there first, as the watch tower was first occuppied by a regiment of Slayers, the perfect troops for missions involving dying to a man. Die to a man they did as the black orcs came in and ripped them up, tearing through rank and file in the brawl within the watch tower.

On the outskirts of the tower, the warboss and his wyvern charge ahead the rest of the horde on the eastern flank, only to be beaten to the organ gun it was aiming for by a rock lobba shot from the back, allowing the wyvern to turn its sights upon the Thunderers who fled from the sight of a destroyed organ gun. The green tide advanced though the board as per the example of the Warboss, with wolf riders riding up the east and aiming for the cannon crew.

The dwarven forces rallied and advanced toward the crucial strategic point at the center of the map. They fired metal into the green tide, never quite hitting their mark but hitting something else entirely as was inevitable in the sea of bodies.

The orcs were undettered by the hail of bullets as they threw themselves into the maelstrom. The orcs on the currently successful eastern flank charged at a dwarven warrior block, only to be joined by the Warboss, his wyvern, and the wolf riders who were successful in destroying the artillery base of the dwarves. The dwarves were quickly routed, but the orcs were still in a deep mess as they would soon be confronted against the dwarven elite: The Ironbreakers.

Some say they were made of metal. Others say they broke iron with their bear hands, and could crush an orcs skull with a thwap of a finger. The spear boyz learned that at least a few of these were true as they were routed upon attempting to ram themselves against the solid iron wall that is the dwarven elite.

After battering the spear boyz, the Ironbreakers turned their sights upon the rest of the horde, and were then assaulted by the warboss, his wyvern, and the choppa boyz, fresh from their victory on the other side of the field. It was at this time that the black orcs were finally through punting the slayers off the watch tower.

In the dying wails of the battle, the Ironbreakers finally broke under the full weight of the orcish tide. The black orcs finally set their banner atop the watch tower and the wyvern finally had its scratching post.

Upon losing the battle, the dwarves retreated into the domain of Joel's wood elves, where iron and wood clashed. Wood prevailed that day, as the wood elves' arrows found their targets in the eyesockets of the near impenetrable dwarven armor, and the treemen stepped on what they could not carry.

All in all it was a fine day for wargaming, despite the rather deplorable weather.

See you all on the gaming tables!


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