Saturday, July 17, 2010

Warhammer Fantasy Night (July 16, 2010)

Hey guys,

Last night the a lot of people came over to play Warhammer and Warmachine. Mike "The Champion" Nievas played his first game of Warhammer Fantasy against Wiley's zombie/Twilight Vampire Horde and learned just how different Warhammer Fantasy was from 40k.

Oberon's Tomb Kings played against Jay's Dark Elves. The game was an epic match, but Jay's sneaky superheroes(villains) won the day as Shadowblade (forgot his actual name) killed the Tomb King Heirophant AND the Tomb Prince, forcing the undead to finally feel the weight of time as their forces crumbled into dust.

Pat Chua used his Chaos Warriors against Wiley's Zombies.

I had the honor of fighting Henri Tecson once again. This is how it went, it won't be as detailed as my memory is fuzzy and I'd rather get to know the game more before going for a really detailed battle report:

Turn 1 Dwarves: Henri does not move, and chooses to begin and end with his shooting phase. His cannons roared and killed orcs from different units. A spear chukka struck my warboss on a wyvern and wounded the wyvern twice.

Turn 1 Orcs: I declare a WAAARGH and send my wyvern charging 30'' across the board, destroying Henri's dwarf warrior unit. All my other units surged forward except for my spear boyz who were fighting over what the color green was.

Magic didn't do much, as I failed to cast any spells.

Shooting was pathetic as none of my warmachines hit, and one rock lobba blew itself up.

Turn 2 Dwarves: Henri's movement only consists of turning his warmachines to face my wyvern.

Once again, it begins with shooting. Henri fires his bolt throwers, along with his engineers' pistols at the wyvern, reducing both the warboss and the wyvern to one wound each.

One of his cannons overshoots, and the other kills 3 boys. The thunderers kill 5 more from the same unit and 5 wolf riders die. They pass their panic check as they were within 18'' of my Warboss.

Turn 2 Orcs: My Wyvern charges the unit of longbeards, who fail their terror check and allowed me to charge the bolt thrower unit behind them. I pass my dangerous terrain check.

My wolf riders charge the bolt thrower, who stands and shoots with its engineer, killing neither wolf rider as I luckily made my 6+ save.

The rest of the horde moves forward. The Magic phase saw me casting "Hand of Gork", which allowed the spearboyz to move 8 inches toward the dwarven lines.

Shooting was the same, only this time the goblin doom diver destroys itself. Fail.

My wolf riders kill one artillery crew member without taking any casualties in return, while my warboss destroys the artillery crew then overruns into the goblin wolf rider's combat!

Turn 3 Dwarves: Henri chose to begin moving the hammerers on the far side of the board that didn't seem to be getting any action toward the fighting.

His cannons fired, this time missing a unit, then killing 5 black orcs. The thunderers attempt to shoot the spear boyz and the choppa boyz and kill about 2-3 each. The black orcs fail their check and run.

In close combat, the wyvern trounces the bolt thrower crew and reforms near the enemy.

Turn 3 orcs: Spearboyz move toward thunderers. The rest move forward. The black orcs do not rally even with the help of their musician.

Magic was eventful as it saw my shaman casting Hand of Gork, propelling the spear boyz into combat against the thunderers without allowing them to stand and shoot.

Shooting was better since my bolt thrower skewered three dwarves and my stone thrower was spot on the center of a dwarven block. I managed to kill 1 out of 12 hits (I rolled a 1 for my strength 9 center hole).

During the close combat phase, the spear boyz murdered the crew, then overran them.

Turn 4 Dwarves:

The dwarves turned to face the wyvern, wolf riders, and orc boys assailing their flank. The other warrior unit charges the choppa boyz.

The cannons fired at the wyvern, which finally topples the beast. The orc warboss picks himself up afterwards. Thunderers shoot at the black orcs and kill 2.

The close combat phase was terrible for the orcs, as the dwarf block routs them, breaking them with their pursue.

Turn 4 Orcs: Wolf riders charge the dwarven block. The warboss and the spear boyz turn around and move toward the warrior unit, joining up.

Shaman gains 2 power dice and fails to cast the extremely important hand of Gork spell that would've allowed the spear boyz to support the wolf riders this turn.

Shooting has the rock lobba and spear chukkas missing once again.

Close combat phase time! The wolf riders get torn apart by the dwarves, who choose to reform to face the spear boyz.

Dwarf turn 5: dwarf warrior block attempts to charge the rock lobba and fails. The warrior unit charges the flank of the spearboyz.

During the shooting phase, the orcs were shot at, but thankfully neither cannon drew a bead this turn.

During the combat phase, the dwarves and orcs each killed 5 of their opponents, with the dwarves winning combat by 4 due to charge, rank, and flank bonuses. The orcs pass the break test and pass the test to check to see if they could reform even as losers.

Orcs turn 5: The black orcs charge at the dwarven block that attemted to charge the rock lobba on the flank.

In the magic phase, the night goblin shaman casts Gork'll Fix it, turning all 6's rolled by the dwarven unit in combat with the warboss into 1's.

The shooting phase was uneventful as the goblins are still fail to hit anything.

The combat phase was brutal, as the spear boyz destroy and overrun the dwarf block that had charged them last turn.

The black orcs attack with gusto, beating the dwarves on the flank but not breaking them.

The game was over and the scores ended with a DRAW.

It was a great night that saw everyone hankering for more Warhammer Fantasy.

See ya'll next time.


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