Thursday, August 19, 2010

August 17 Night of the Kill Team

Hey guys, it was a nice Tuesday of gaming once again! I didn't game much however, as Wiley and me were too excited in constructing our forces for a battle we have against each other next Tuesday, so we spent the whole night preparing our forces. His Vampire Counts will be hitting 2k points! I'm pretty excited about that.

The one unique game we did play was a 4 way kill team fight. I used Chaos Chosen, Pat used Death Company, Wiley used Sternguard, and Jesse used a squad of tactical marines. Needless to say the Death Company totally destroyed us, but it was an interesting and fast new mission to play.

The rules I remembered are as follows:
200 points
Each member of a squad is an independent unit
Up to three may take 1 Veteran Skill from the Rulebook each.
For multiplayer, random player order, and we roll a D6 to determine who goes first each round (Pat got a double turn and mowed my boys down to my chagrin).

It was a fun and different game, and maybe next time I won't get mowed down in a turn of shooting.

There were several Warhammer and Warhammer 40k games that were not recorded in the logbook, and we encourage people to write them so we can have them recorded here.

Anyways, after that, we had several rounds of LIAR'S DICE. It's a really fun game and Jay won quite a lot of times (Until the last game when Wiley dethrones him as the biggest liar in the group). It was tons of fun, and it surely won't be the last time this game would be played.

See you guys on the gaming tables, Night of Spears tomorrow night and a tournament this Sunday.


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