Wednesday, August 04, 2010

Tuesday Night Wargaming (August 3)

Hey guys, the Bunker was full last night as people went nuts tearing each others' armies in half on the table top.

We recorded a showing of 21 people:
RJ Rimando
Pat Chua
Wiley Peralta
Lance Tan
Alfred Laya
Zeb Melosantos
Jesse Laya
Champion Mike
Francis Lohongko
EJ Lim
Kevin Lim
Ian Siongco
Jay Estaris
Aurelio Icasiano III
Niel Edward
Felix Lohongko Jr.
Freddie Yu

That's pretty good. I saw a whole lot of games. The first one that night was between Wiley and me, Ultramarines VS Khornate Warband. The mission came from the Battle Missions Book, and Vanguard was the format chosen by the dice gods. The Ultramarines came in from the board edge while my Chaos Forces deployed amidst the three objects that were placed in the center of the table, at the center long edge of my deployment side, and somewhere 12 inches away from the center on my left flank.

The Ultramarines started out charging from the table edge, bearing their Land Raider's Assault cannon, immobilizing my land raider and destroying a lascannon. That pretty good for small rounds of fire. Blasted Mary Sues.

His assault marines came upon my left flank, and flew toward my lines. The Sternguard remained behind the landraider that rumbled down the center flank.

During my turn, I had my boys take a step back, while my landraider managed to immobilize the hiding rhino and the obliterators fired lascannons at the landraider, not doing a thing.

The next turn was more eventful as the Ultramarines reached the Chaos lines, charging a rhino and destroying it. Luckily for me, the landraider didn't do any damage this turn.

The rhino's cargo brought swift retribution to the assault marines, and if that wasn't bad enough, the Demon Prince of Khorne swept down to support them.

The terminators of the now beleaguered landraider charged out and destroyed the landraider of the Ultramarines, whose terminators in turn tore them in half in a single assault phase after shooting them down.

The Berserkers held a defensive position, out of character indeed, as the second assault squad came charging down the left flank. After defeating the berserkers, they were then counter charged by another squad of the manic warriors, led by the demon prince once more. It was pretty much a repeat of what happened earlier, only now it was evident that their forces were coming in piecemeal.

The scouts arrived on opposite sides of the board, both intending to get a bead on the objectives while the terminators and sternguard claim the center point. The scouts took refuge in a broken building, but were ambushed by lesser demons emerging them from the warp, who in that turn tore three of the five scouts into pieces, one of which was their sergeant.

They were not forgotten however, as one of the sternguard squads came over to support them and fight off the lesser demons. Tragically, they could not reach the initiates in time, as the lesser demons were just finished gutting the last scout before being shot to death by the retributive marines.

In the center, the demon prince charged the terminator squad alongside the berserkers, fresh from the battle against the assault marines. The demon prince had since then been shot by a couple of sniper shots from the scout squad mentioned earlier (which was then devoured by the demons). He and his faithful Juggernaut charged for Pedro Kantor, who died keeping the demon busy before the hammers found their marks in the demon's exposed flank. The Ultramarines finest easily dispatched the remaining berserkers, but they were beaten down to a bleading Chaplain and a lone terminator.

In the death wails of the battle, the Sternguard marched out to retrieve two of the objectives from the chaos forces. The obliterators destroyed one of the squads, but the scouts that had arrived from the other side of the table had come in their place, going to ground and making it nigh impossible to dent them as their camo cloaks made them but invisible to the eye (and demon sense apparently).

The lone terminator and his Chaplain superior were gunned down by a storm bolter and a heavy bolter, but from the surviving and largely ignored land raider which did not contribute much to the game.

The Ultramarines had claimed victory however, as the Chaos forces held one objective while the rest of them were taken by the Emperor's lap dogs. I will get my revenge Wiley! Good game!

Other games I saw were also quite impressive. Henri's Dwarven force went up against the fanatical Volkmar, who was taking orders from Freddie Yu. The Empire won that day, but a dwarf never forgets a grudge, so watch your back!

Mike fought against Jesse and Jay that night, but he wasn't too lucky as the Luna Wolves and Iyanden forces beat his Ultramarines down. Jesse them proceeded to fight Wiley, seemingly bent on revenge for his brother Ultramarine player. I wasn't quite sure of the result of that round.

Zeb's Wolf Guard faced off against Alfred's Imperial Guard. Terminators VS Tanks. I really wanted to see that fight. Kuneho tyranid swarm fought Nikki's Ork Horde.

These games should really be recorded in the log book. If there werent' any games mentioned here, I apologize.

Oh right, Pat Chua's Lizards and my Orks (It was a sea of green) fought to a draw last night, with our generals pretty much routing each others' death stars. Go go generals on large creature!

That aside, thanks for the birthday greetings everyone, it was awesome that I could spend the night playing those awesome games. Hope attendance is as good every Bunker night, take care and see you on the gaming tables!


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