Monday, August 09, 2010

Drums of War Part 4 (August 8. 2010)

The last day Drums of War that would be a prelude to the Night of Spears has come to a close with much action as usual.

The following dropped by:


There were a lot of games played. The day started off with my Orcs facing off against Henri's Dwarfs. His dwarfs beat mine in capturing the watchtower with the game ending on turn 4! There was a lot of dead orcs and dwarfs by the end of the battle, but the orcish animosity caused the army to deviate from the major objective.

Between the first and second games, Kim, Henri and I played a short round of Talisman, wherein Kim's Sorceress met an early end dying to the trap door card, which sends him into the depths of the dungeon expansion area, which slowly but surely killed the low level adventurer. Sorry Kim. That aside, Henri stole my shield (I couldn't believe it, I thought it was my Jester follower who did it!) as a thief. I was a troll and basically thumped anything that came close.

The game that followed was a grudge match between my Orcs and Jun's Chaos warriors with Chaos Sorcerer General. We played a Dawn Attack scenario where our forces were randomly deployed. My orcish horde was divided by the random deployment, but due to some lucky rolls I was able to pincer Jun's forces after battering his knights with a lot of lucky artillery fire.

Henri and Clarence played an epic War of the Beard match between the dwarfs and elves respectively. They played a Meeting Engagement battle wherein the elves used their magic acumen and volley firing bows and war machines to batter the dwarf forces, which almost took the victory, but the dwarfs took too long to get to the other side, and their close combat potential was not seen. It should be noted that Clarence casted Purple Sun (Jun and I were chanting for it) and it almost literally bit into a dwarf unit. Initiative 2 isn't cool against spells like that.

The final game was between Clarence and me. The elves basically destroyed the orcs with Teclis' amazing magic. Akham's Razor (sp?) turned the weedy elves into gods of war. I think 40 orcs died in a single combat phase. Not a single orc was left standing at the end of the day. My wyvern got shot down in turn 1.

All in all it was an amazing set of games. Hope to see you all in the Night of Spears! See you guys on the gaming tables!


The second game I fought that day was against

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