Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Tuesday Night Wargaming (August 10)

Hey guys,

Last night was jam packed as usual with the following being in attendance:
Rayson Lozada
Domingo Sy Ong III
EJ Lim
Karwin Lim
Felix Lohongko Jr.
Francis Lohongko
Ryan Chung
Lance Tan
Lito Tan
Henri Tecson
Mike Nievas

The battles waged that night are as followed:
Jerrick VS Kerwin
IG VS Space Wolves
Spearhead/Capture and Control

EJ VS Kerwin
Space Marines VS Blood Angels

Wiley VS Mike
Ultramarines VS Ultramarines
Wiley wins in Annihilation DoW

Wiley VS Pat
Ultramarines VS Blood Angels
Seize Ground/Spearhead

Pat VS Francis
Annihilation Spearhead
Francis Wins!

Zeb VS Ryan C.
Space Wolves VS Salamanders
Ryan Wins!

Ryan VS Felix
Salamanders VS Space Wolves
Annihilation/Pitched Battle
Felix Wins

Zeb VS Doc Benj
Space Wolves VS Orks
Seize Ground/Pitched Battle
Zeb wins!

Lance VS Henri
Wood Orks VS Dwarves
Meeting Engagement
Lance wins!

Lance VS Kuneho
Khorne VS Tyranids
C/C and Spearhead
Kuneho wins!

There were a lot of recorded games that night and it's great to see an active community come in every week. It was fun proxxying a Wood Elves army (As Wood Orks) and finally getting a win against Henri's dwarfs (who tear my orks to shreds every time we have a game).

Also, it was also cool to see Zeb score a close beat down against Doc Benj's orks. It was literally decided in a die roll as to see whether Doc's orks could run to contest another objective. Good close game!

I unfortunately did not get to closely observe other games, but I did see Ryan's Terminators going head to head against Zeb's. Logan Grimnar VS Vulkan Hes'tan was pretty epic, though the latter won (to my surprise).

The game I had against Kuneho was pretty brutal. He killed every model I had on the table, and all the assaults were really interesting to fight. Kudos to my obliterator which held off the Doom and Malantai for the entire game up until the last turn when Doom finally eats the obliterator's brains out. My berserkers killed so many tyranids but they just kept coming. A Genestealer horde is no laughing matter. Swarmlord went toe to toe against my demon prince, who died to a fearless combat resolution penalty roll. Sad, but epic.

Looking forward to the Night of Spears and the next time either my orcs or Berserkers get to wet their blades with the blood of their enemies.

Till next time!


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